Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.

The Right Cellular Orthopedic Procedure for You

The truth about reparative medicine in orthopaedics and why it matters to you is that in the USA, millions of people suffer from orthopedic conditions and are looking for options to major surgery. At the same time, there is a segment of the population that can’t safely undergo a major joint replacement procedure. Then there are those who are highly active and are looking to keep up with their sporting activities and an unlimited life style. The older generation is living longer and very active. The younger generation is also participating in sports and playing for a longer period. The wear and tear in joints cause pain and ultimately may cause or aggravate an arthritic process. There is an option to surgery and a means of postponing, perhaps avoiding a Total Joint Replacement. While Cellular Orthopaedics (Regenerative Medicine), offers a reparative technology, it is important to recognize that all therapies in the marketplace are not equal. There are many different types of tissues: fat, bone marrow, amniotic fluid, placental tissue, cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly, and circulating blood marketed for intervention but only concentrate from your own bone marrow, concentrate and filtered platelet product from your own blood, and now micro-fractured fat from your own adipose tissue meet FDA compliance requirements.

Over the past ten years, advances in reparative medicine have resulted from science and research behind the different options. You may read about my role at www.sheinkopmd.com/published-research-articles/ to learn more. I was one of the first orthopaedic surgeons to study the effects of Micro-fractured Fat (Lipogems) in patients with Grade 4 Osteoarthritis of the knee who were en route to a Total Knee Replacement. Now that the FDA has granted clearance, many physicians are showing up with claims of offering adipose stem cells. While fat has reparative qualities and can help promote a healing environment, it is not a resource for cartilage regeneration.

As always though in the current health marketing environment, a patient must guard against misrepresentation of product, effect and outcomes. The article I published in November of 2018, is the only scholarly article of which I am aware that has true clinical adipose outcomes data. https://www.amjorthopedics.com/article/safety-and-efficacy-percutaneous-injection-lipogems-micro-fractured-adipose-tissue. Those clinics offering a type of fat technology that is processed using enzymes and manipulates the cells are doing so by failing to abide by FDA Guidance. Additionally, some providers are offering “Stem Cell Treatments” at very high costs and thus mislead the public along with the parasites, camp followers and charlatans promoting amniotic fluid, cord blood and Wharton’s jelly. Our goal is to provide the right treatment options for a patient with solutions that have strong scientific evidence behind the technology and are cleared by the FDA. I am happy to be a leader in the Evidence Based initiative.

To schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893          You may visit my web site at www.sheinkopmd.com


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Cellular Orthopedics: How long will it take to enjoy the benefits?

How long will the benefits last?

Yesterday, an individual presented in the office on a professional matter for a scheduled business meeting and during our discussions, related that he had undergone right hip arthroscopy, eight weeks earlier. He had an antalgic (painful) gait while walking into the meeting room so I discussed the rationale for undergoing a Platelet Rich Plasma concentrate/Growth Factor Concentrate intervention when he returned to his home base. The individual elected to become my patient on the spot so I performed a physical assessment and noted asymmetrical hip motion with limitation on the right side. His pre-arthroscopic diagnosis was a torn acetabular labrum. In 45 minutes, my team had drawn his blood and prepared the concentrated injectate followed by my completing an ultrasound guided intraarticular right hip injection. Within five minutes, his inability to fully spread his legs, flex and extend his hip, and tolerate internal and external rotation had been corrected. This is not an infrequent observation following a Cellular Orthopedic intervention to the hip; yet I have no explanation for the immediate pain relief and return of joint function. He left the office with almost no discernable limp.

This past Monday, the office received this communication from a patient who began treatment with Bone Marrow Concentrate to her knees about four years ago; returning on several occasions until she reached maximum medial improvement at 18 months post intervention.

“I wanted to write to you and Dr Sheinkop to congratulate you on the published study in the Journal of Translational Medicine in which I was a participant. It is really satisfying to see that results finally in print.  I want to thank you both for allowing me to participate, even though I was outside of the Chicago area. 

Just to follow up, my knees have been doing really well for the past year. I enjoyed a long summer of bicycling, including regular 20-30 mile rides as well as a 40 and 50-mile ride, without significant pain. I also have been able to use the elliptical pain free and just in the past two weeks I started running on the treadmill (alternating one minute of running & walking for about 20-25 minutes on a 4% incline). I’m starting really slow -but I never thought I would be able to run relatively pain-free again”.

There is no way of predicting how soon and for how long a cellular orthopedic intervention will have an effect. Our ongoing outcomes observations for over six years may eventually help answer the question; but in the meantime, we ask our patients to return periodically so we may learn from them and intervene if needed.

To learn how you may benefit from a Cellular Orthopedic intervention schedule a consultation by calling (847)-390-7666.  My web site is at www.sheinkopmd.com.

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Patient Online Resources for Biologic Therapies

Patient Online Resources for Biologic Therapies

As interest in biologic therapies for arthritis-a needle, not a knife-continues to expand; patients increasingly are turning to the ads in newspapers or searching the Internet to gather information on this topic. While there is still a lack of scientific consensus on the use of biologics, it is most important for those seeking information not to be misled. My own analysis of resources for patients seeking on line information about biologic therapies for arthritis is that the overall quality is very poor and anything but scientific. Even worse, is a seminar, neither a reliable or credible source of scientific evidence.

Biologic therapies consist of stem cells, platelet rich plasma product and bone marrow aspirate concentrate. New research, I co-authored and that was published last month in The American Journal of Orthopedics:  Safety and Efficacy of Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Knee Arthritis, is indicative of the ever-evolving nature of Regenerative Medicine. Biologic therapies and their use in arthritis or musculoskeletal injury in general are an area of vast research and interest within the medical field. Understanding the information online and the misinformation provided at seminars pertaining to biologics allows me to tailor my conversation and address commonly found inaccuracies.

The use of Biologic Therapies is expected to significantly increase in the coming years as our knowledge advances on the use of such. That initiative will be led by well informed, well-educated Board Certified, and Fellowship trained specialists. Unfortunately owing to the relative lack of oversite at present, every type of charlatan, parasite and camp follower can buy an ad for a seminar or produce a web site on the internet. How then should a patient with pain and limited function from arthritis seek to postpone or avoid surgery without becoming a victim of the cord blood or amniotic fluid hoax?

  1. Your physician must complete a comprehensive medical history, physical examination and review of diagnostic studies.
  2. Explain the disease process and grade of progression,
  3. Discuss possible treatment options,
  4. Present a balanced assessment of the current scientific evidence.

Woe, while writing this Blog, I was just notified about acceptance of yet another scientific article by a peer reviewed medical journal in which I am the senior author: A Specific Protocol of Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and Platelet Products Versus Exercise Therapy for Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis; a Randomized Control Trial with 2 Year Follow-up.

Hopefully some time soon, a Biologic Arthroplasty will be possible; but until then, a Total Joint Replacement is still a necessary option for those not meeting specified inclusion criteria for biologics. To see what treatments may be possible for your arthritic generated pain call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation. Visit my website www.SheinkopMD.com for additional information. 

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Joint Preservation with Proteins and Stem Cells

Joint Preservation with Proteins and Stem Cells

My goal is to inform each and every patient who presents with a painful joint, the cause of their pain; and based on our scientific and clinical evidence, that intervention which will have the greatest chance of short term and long-term success. While inflammation in the joint is a proximate cause of pain, that pain is not generated by cartilage deterioration as cartilage doesn’t have a nerve supply. While joint pain in part is generated by the synovial tissue lining the arthritic or traumatized joint, the subchondral bone supporting the joint may be even more important when it comes to the pain and limitations resulting from the arthritic affliction.

Bone pathologies resulting from acute or chronic injury presenting as bone marrow lesions associated with insufficiency fractures, persistent bone bruises, osteoarthritis and early stages of avascular necrosis are too often neglected by those holding themselves out to be regenerative medicine specialists. Options for the treatment of these subchondral conditions require a core decompression of the problematic bone and direct application of either bone marrow aspirate or a synthetic orthobiologic. The biologic treatment of bone marrow lesions with these techniques that encourage physiologic bone remodeling and repair when combined with Stem Cell and Protein/Growth Factor concentrates into an arthritic joint offers the best chance for joint preservation and a successful outcome for the patient undergoing a Stem Cell procedure.

Are there Stem Cells in Cord Blood, Wharton’s Jelly or Amniotic Fluid? These three alleged sources of Stem cells are processed when collected. The tissues are then cryopreserved with DMSO or some other cryopreservant. When thawing takes place, the few cells contained do not survive the thawing process. Additionally, DMSO is cytotoxic, a cell killer at room temperature.

As many of my patients are aware, I began my Cellular Orthopedic journey some years ago as an early member of the Regenexx Network. While my personal and practice ethos as the only orthopedic surgeon caused me to leave the network, I still follow the Blog and I find the one posted today most appropriate.

Is this Fraud? Chiro Clinics and Cord “Stem Cells”

I was on a local radio show this week and a woman called in and claimed that she had been defrauded by a local chiropractic clinic. She paid big bucks for what she was told were “millions of young stem cells” injected intravenous. As I will show you this morning, as a medical expert in this area, I can show you that she is more likely than not the victim of consumer fraud. Let me explain.

The Problem of the Chiro Clinic Bait and Switch

I’ve blogged extensively about how chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathic, and some physician clinics are defrauding patients by claiming to inject millions of live and young stem cells from amniotic fluid or cord blood (or other products). The problem is that none of these 361 registered tissue products has any significant number of live stem cells.

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Stem cell intervention or another unsatisfactory knee replacement

Stem cell intervention or another unsatisfactory knee replacement

After reviewing a CT scan of the right knee where a Total Knee Replacement had been done provided by a patient who sought my opinion for stem cell treatment of her arthritic left knee, I called her to discuss the possible reasons that the right Total Knee Replacement that she had undergone over ten years ago was never satisfactory. At the time of the right TKR for arthritis, she had elected for what seemed at the time as a logical intervention for a painful, arthritic, right knee. The outcome was at first complicated by a lot of postoperative swelling and pain; at one-year post-operative, the patient had never been pain-free nor had she ever regained her preoperative range of motion and that adverse outcome has persisted for over ten years. Fast forward a decade and the right knee has continued to be a source of pain and limited motion; so much so that the patient decided to seek consultation for a Stem Cell treatment for her now arthritic left knee.

Her first question was basically “does stem cell therapy for knees work?”. Our data collected on patients treated in this office over the past six years, since I started my practice, is compatible with an 85% patient satisfaction rate. We have not recorded one complication. To be forthright, not every patient has a perfect result; but the vast majority experience marked reduction in pain, increased motion and a significant improvement in functional capacity. Unlike a failed outcome of a Total Knee Replacement, our stem cell injections may be repeated at anytime if the benefits of the initial intervention do not last.

When it comes to the cost of a stem cell intervention, while the Total Joint Replacement is more often than not covered by some type of insurance, our fee schedule is in keeping in line with the deductible a patient has to pay out of pocket for the major surgery. If you do the math and additionally compare the risks and benefits of a stem cell intervention with a total knee replacement, you will note:

  1. Remote to little risk of complication with a stem cell procedure
  2. Comparable cost comparing my charges for a stem cell intervention with the inherent deductible obligation for a Total Joint Replacement
  3. Rapid recovery with a stem cell intervention versus the risks of an adverse outcome as experienced by the patient seeking consultation for stem cells

To seek consultation call (312) 475-1893.  You may visit my website at WWW.sheinkopmd.com

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Stem Cells and Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Boating, Fitness, Cycling, Skiing, etc., etc., etc.

From the front page of the September, 2018 issue of GOLF “This Tiger is for real. He’s faster, sharper-and an up-and-down machine.” Then, from the September/October issue of Tennis, “Juan Martin del Potro He’s back…. and ready to once again conquer”. His once promising career was reaching the end owing to wrist injuries. Quoting Del Potro in the article “one doctor would say something to me; another would say something different. It was difficult to believe one or the other”; however, he demanded excellence and eventually found it  

I could go on citing and quoting from all sports and recreational resources but you get the idea. These are recovery and come back examples of what motivated individuals may accomplish. Now, if you tune in to upcoming US Open later this month, you will be able to follow Rafael Nadal, another super athlete who was able to return to compete at the top of his game owing to cellular orthopedics for several potentially career ending injuries over recent years. I could go on with the examples in each and every recreational pursuit or from those who wished to regain a pain free and very active life even if not at the aforementioned level of demand. Suffice it to say, the common denominator for those with skeletomuscular restrictions is a combination of physical training, mental motivation and timely medical care.

You can put some of this Tiger in your tank and reignite your enjoyment of activities at any level if arthritic or traumatic injury of your bone and joints is holding you back. The new world, (actually it is not so new anymore) of Cellular Orthopedics may allow for a return to a virtually unlimited lifestyle with a needle instead of a knife. I choose to define myself as a Cellular Orthopedist so a patient might not be trapped in the web of so called regenerative medicine specialists. An orthopedic surgeon has dedicated many years to understand the musculoskeletal system whereas a regenerative medicine clinic frequently is populated by those who attended a two-day training seminar. While my own recreational pursuits and fitness profile is far removed from those of the famous professionals noted earlier in this blog, following cellular orthopedic interventions into my own knees in December of 2017, and for my hips in January, 2018, I returned to skiing last winter, cycling and fly fishing this summer, and I am able to enjoy a full fitness commitment in doing my part to maintain the highest possible level of performance.

You may access my website at WWW.SheinkopMD.com or call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation. 

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